There are two reasons I would like to cover here. Today, I will discuss the first reason. This reason is toxicity. It's a physical law that two or more objects can't occupy the same space at the same time. This principle applies even at the cellular level.
Our bodies tend to collect and store too many waste products. These include poisonous toxins like diacetic, lactic, pyruvic, uric, carbonic, acetic, butyric and heptic acids. When our cells are filled with these compounds there is no room left for the nutrients required to repair and nourish them. Over time our cells begin to degenerate and die just like someone who is suffering from famine. There really isn't any difference whether a person doesn't have enough to eat, or what they do eat doesn't reach their cells. Both situations result in malnutrition.
These toxins come from both our external physical environment, as well as our internal emotional state. You may not realize it, but your emotions can have a very toxic effect on your body. And when these toxins build up in our system, they are one of the bloating causes.
In my next post I will talk about a second reason many people are malnourished.
Doug B.
Doug B.
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